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Submit Your Story

If you are a black military woman who is serving in U.S. Armed Forces ...or if you know a black military woman who has served.... or if you know a black military Woman who has served and passed on, we need "Your or Their Story".  We call your story "HerStory."  Don't be left out.  Join us and send us your information now.

Please submit your information (with pictures - limited to 2) below. One of the pictures should be a head shot and at least one in military uniform.

Please Note:  This information will be seen by all who access this web page.  All information posted to this web page is freely given by the individuals who want to tell their story or the story of someone they know.  The Black Military Women's Foundation is not responsible for the accuracy of the information posted to this web page. 

Submit Your Story
Email your Story and Photos to
Include your story/bio and a photograph(s)

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